Brooklyn Recreation Department
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Youth Volleyball

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BRC Youth Volleyball
Grades 3-4 COED / Grades 5-6 COED
Fees: Resident $60
Registration: JANUARY 8th - FEBRUARY 5th
Practices: begin Week of March 4th
Games: March 23rd (Tentatively)
**Must be Brooklyn resident or student attending a school in city limits**

Program Highlights
Teams will practice once during the week - GAMES on Saturdays .  Practices at Brooklyn middle school field house and games played at home and away sites on Saturdays (Fairview Park, North Olmsted, Middleburg hts.)

Volunteer coaches are needed for all leagues. Please let us know at registration if you are interested and able to coach.

SWS Youth Volleyball League Schedules & Standings CLICK HERE

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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